After working with Vue 2 refs and switching to Vue 3 refs can be tricky for the first time as we do not have access to this.$refs in Vue3
Recently, I was working on Vue 3 project and using VeeValidate for client-side form validation. I was also using the bootstrap modal for the form. Now, I need to reset the form when someone clicks on add/edit button. There is resetForm method available on the VeeValidate Form component so we need to get the form and call resetForm method.
With Vue 2 we can do the following things:
// In template
<Form ref="form">...</Form>// In code
But this thing will not work with Vue 3 as we do not have access to this.$refs inside our script so we need to follow a different approach.
import { ref } from 'vue';// Make sure to declare the variable name as template ref value.
const form = ref(null);// reset form while calling create user method.
const createUser = () => {
// In template
<Form ref="form">....</Form>
Note: To obtain the reference with Composition API, we need to declare a ref with the same name